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New Feature: Hidden Properties

February 8, 2024
Lucy Randl

A few states have legislation that prohibits the disclosure of home addresses of elected officials, public servants, and their family members. For example, New Jersey’s statute, Daniel’s Law, allows certain public officials to put in a request that certain personal information be redacted from public-facing state, county, and municipal websites.

To ensure that our partner communities can maintain compliance in these instances, our users have the ability to hide specific properties from the public website in Forerunner. For hidden properties, the property profile and all associated data will not be visible to the public.

Users can hide properties from public by following these instructions:

  • Edit property on the Property Information Panel 
  • Hide property from public

If guests search for the address, they will be directed to a page saying "we’re sorry – we don’t have any information on the address you searched for." Additionally, hidden properties and their associated parcel outlines will not be clickable on the ‘Explore map’ page of the public website.

Properties can always be made public again by selecting “display property to public in the dropdown.”

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